EAC Friday Feature: Ileecia Moffatt

Friday Sep 16th, 2022

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10 Questions with Ileecia Moffatt

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Ileecia Moffatt

-written by Nat Richmond

As an acrylic and watercolor artist, Ileecia has mastered the “art” of expressing herself via color and rhythm. This Edinboro alum has pursued her passions for quite a few years, which has enabled her to be able to grow in her craft while also collaborating with other local artists to spruce up the artistic forefront of Erie. 

How would you describe your early journey as an artist?

I grew up around art at an early age. My dad drew, played music. I wasn’t very good with communication skills, so art helped me bring out the artist in me. I had friends in school that inspired me to keep going. I found it was a way to get people together. I was on the fence when I first started at Edinboro because of the things people told me. But, by the end I realized that we all have our own journeys and I knew that I could truly pursue this. Surreal/abstract stuff I like, as well as the beautiful art such as Ms. Yellow with the mural.

Who inspired your journey in Art in Edinboro?>

Geoffrey Beadle inspired me to not be afraid of the pain. He was an instructor while I was there. He let me know that I could create compositions that I never knew I could before. He’s an amazing painter. Also, Michelle Vitali. She’s a forensic illustrator, and she also does fine line drawing, she’s very talented. She pushed me to keep moving forward and not get comfortable. It helped me as an artist to stay explorative.

What inspired your choice of tools and materials when it comes to your artistry?

I love Instagram! Looking at what other artists are doing inspires me. I’ll find tutorials and find a cheaper alternative to what they’re doing. It’s always good to have some help. Also, I look at what my friends are doing. I may ask them about how they got certain textures and they’ll give me suggestions. That’s the fun part of art, you can keep messing around and experimenting. My colleagues have inspired me to use different materials.

Favorite artist and why?

It sounds kinda cliche…but Picasso, Tory Ann, Mary Cassatt, Happy D Artist. She’s an oil painter and surreal Art. She also covers a lot of the female anatomy.

What are your goals for the next several years?

I would like to continue exploring the Art world. Continue creating my portfolio. I would also like to produce my own murals. Collaborating with other artists in the Erie community. I want to expand my knowledge and network. What we need in the Art community is more of that.

Out of all of your Works, which was most rewarding?

I created a diptych, which are two canvases that are put together. I created it with Geoffrey Beadle. I had never did a 20 x 20 portrait and it was kindle intimidating! We had to prime our own canvases and stretch them. I had to figure out the lighting, positioning. I love it a lot because it’s more abstract than realist.

Are there any creative ideas that you haven’t attempted yet that you would like to try?

I would definitely like to do screen printing. I have only done woodblock and monotypes, which is basically applying paints to cloth materials. Screen printing looked intimidating, but I want to try it. I think that would be cool. Also, again I would love to do another mural with a meaning behind it. Something related to giving back to the community

How has the Art scene in Erie contributed to your growth?

Music!! Music is my go-to. No matter what it is, music helps me to keep positive. Happy music only. Talking to myself with encouraging words. Telling myself to keep striving. Staying present, and not worrying of the past or the future.

How do you keep a positive mindset?

I’m just letting things flow as I am walking in my purpose, every day. My mom recently told me to, “just keep running, run toward whatever your wildest dreams and goals are, and just keep accomplishing them”, so that’s what I’m going to continue to do.

Any final thoughts?

I just want to say…do not let other people discourage you from doing what you love. You never know what the future holds for you. Keep at it, keep doing what you’re doing. There’s always a better side, but keep the positive mindset.

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