
Trailblazers Film Series - Blasco Library

Trailblazers Film Series - Blasco Library

Blasco Film Series 2023 - Trailblazers

February 18: Loving
Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, cha llenge anti-miscegenation laws at the Supreme Court. PG-13

April 15: Theory of Everything

Renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking falls in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde. PG-13

June 10: Bohemian Raphsody

A celebration of the band Queen, their music , and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. PG-13

August 19: Queen of Katwe

A young girl from rural Uganda follows her dream of becoming an international chess champion. PG

October 14: Selena
Grammy Award-winning singer Selena brings Tejano music to mainstream America before her sudden, tragic death. PG

December 9: Hidden Figures

A group of Black female mathematicians serve as the brains behind NASA' s Project Mercury. PG

Movie screenings are free and open to the public . No registration required.
Questions? Call (814)45 1-6927 or visit

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