
"Lone Radio" 3D Art Show - FEED

"Lone Radio" 3D Art Show - FEED

Lonesav (Alex Staley) is an African-American/Polish 23 year old from the lower East Side of Erie PA. LONE RADIO is Sav’s debut solo art exhibition as a digital artist.

The show consists of over an hour of 3d rendered pieces and character studies of local individuals that will be projected throughout the art space.

“First of all, it’s an honor to be the inaugural resident artist of the newest and only media art center in Erie PA, FEED. The goal of the show is 1. To exhibit work that took hours to create physically and years to create emotionally. 2. To have the voices of “loners” heard. To pull those secluded moments forward and share them with others as a way to relate and connect with each other.” Sav

To learn more, click here.

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